Our Adj
"Our Adj"... Personality of the month. (republished from an issue of Message To Base, Date of issue is unknown.) The story given below concerns our highly respected Adjutant, Flight Lieutenant…
Night Flying Training (reprinted from the 15 January 1942 issue of The Fingal Observer) The Editor of our excellent FINGAL OBSERVER requested an informal article on the subject of night…
Norwegian Airmen in Canada (reprinted from the December 1942 issue of The Paulson Post) I have been asked, on behalf of myself and the small group of Norwegian lads now…
Pioneer Days No 9 S.F.T.S., Centralia, Ont. (reprinted from the December 1944 issue of No 9 Flyer) By Pioneer Days – No 9 S.F.T.S., Centralia, Ont. by Martin Grudnitski, Sgt.…
Recording Biggest Non-Nuclear Explosion (reprinted from the October 1961 issue of The Roundel) By C.A. Pope, DRB Public Relations Officer The Defence Research Board’s shock and blast program at Suffield…
(reprinted from the October 1961 issue of The Roundel) By Squadron Leader C.L. Heide, DFC As a practical example of service integration, the Canadian Joint Air Training Centre at Rivers,…
The North-West Staging Route Part 7/7 (reprinted from the September 1957 issue of The Roundel) By Flying Officer S.G. French (Part Seven brings the author from Fort St. John, in…
The North-West Staging Route Part 6/7 (reprinted from the July/August 1957 issue of The Roundel) By Flying Officer S.G. French (The writer, whom we left in Part Five driving back…
The North-West Staging Route Part 5/7 (reprinted from the June 1957 issue of The Roundel) By Flying Officer S.G. French (In Part Four the author left Watson Lake, and he…
The North-West Staging Route Part 4/7 (reprinted from the May 1957 issue of The Roundel) By Flying Officer S.G. French (In Part Three the writer took us from Aishihik to…